Check out the concert programs below. If you may desire one of these programs for your venue or event, please contact Denise. Availability with less than 6 months' notice cannot be guaranteed. Other programs are available; please contact to inquire. For more programs and past performances, check out www.denisewilliamssoprano.com
Roots, Rhythm and Resilience: Musical Intersections of Black and Jewish Diasporas
Guest speakers: musicians and educators Denise Williams and Jordan Klapman
This four-part virtual lecture and concert series explores the cultural, musical, and political intersectionality of Black and Jewish cultures throughout the centuries – the effects of their forcible migrations and marginalizations, common struggles for equality, musical assimilations, and quests for bridging the gaps. Presented as part of Black History Month.
Thursdays: February 3, 10, 17 & 24
Held on Zoom
Series: $40; Drop-in: $12
Register online or email help@mnjcc.org. For registration assistance, please call our Information Desk at 416-924-6211 x0.